FAU Top-tier
FAU Joins the Nation’s Most Elite Research Universities and Colleges

The Florida Atlantic University (FAU) School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability (ECOS) is a partnership between the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI). This multidisciplinary and multi-unit initiative serves as the driver for diverse academic and research entities to create a comprehensive environmental hub at FAU. ECOS leverages each group's outside partners, including many government agencies and educational institutions, combining the full breadth of partnerships with the University’s teaching, research and outreach mission to enhance opportunities and bring forth the collective environmental capabilities of FAU.  

ECOS serves as an umbrella for numerous academic offerings in departments and interdisciplinary program areas that provide advanced bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs.  

WLW Environment and Student Success Emergency Student Support

Florida Atlantic University's School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability offers emergency aid options to enrolled  undergraduate and graduate students  experiencing emergency or crisis situations. 

Join the Florida Atlantic School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability (ECOS)

Our expert faculty and scientists both in the Schmidt College of Science and FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute are forging a path that leads to a resilient future, both with research and through training the next generation of scientists, problem solvers, and policymakers.

Spotlight Stories
How Science, Conservation, and Education Are Thriving at the Riverwoods Field Lab
How Science, Conservation, and Education Are Thriving at the Riverwoods Field Lab
Located in the Kissimmee River Basin, Riverwoods was established in 1995 to provide a physical base, as well as support for the extensive research and educational activities related to the restoration of the Kissimmee River project – and the Riverwoods Field Laboratory (Riverwoods)
Florida Atlantic University Receives Significant Gift to Support the Next Generation of Environmental Stewards
Florida Atlantic University Receives Significant Gift to Support the Next Generation of Environmental Stewards
The 22 undergraduate scholarships that the gift establishes are open to all majors at Florida Atlantic for students with financial need and strong interest in environmental science. Four additional scholarships are earmarked for students wanting to participate in Florida Atlantic’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Semester by the Sea program.
2024 ECOS Publication Grant Supports Novel Harmful Algae Blooms Study
Become an Affiliate Member
We invite faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from any organizational unit within FAU to become an affiliate member of the School.


Engaged residents and natural solutions make coastal communities more resilient, FAU experts say
Engaged residents and natural solutions make coastal communities more resilient, FAU experts say
During a Feb. 19 panel discussion on “Future-Proofing Our Coasts” at Florida Atlantic University as part of the Frontiers in Science Public Lecture Series, experts outlined strategies for protecting shorelines, emphasizing...
Beneath the Bog: FAU Gets $1.3M to Track Carbon, Gas Flux in Peatlands
Beneath the Bog: FAU Gets $1.3M to Track Carbon, Gas Flux in Peatlands
Researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and collaborators, have received a grant from U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program...
Old House: Associate Professor Yanmei Li Serves as Expert in 2025 Study: These Are the Best Cities for Families
This Old House: Associate Professor Yanmei Li Serves as Expert in 2025 Study: These Are the Best Cities for Families
Associate professor and director of the Visual Planning Technology Lab, Yanmei Li, Ph.D., consulted with This Old House to discuss the best cities for families in the U.S. in their top 100 list for 2025. Li offered expertise...
FAU Joins the Nation’s Most Elite Research Universities and Colleges
FAU Joins the Nation’s Most Elite Research Universities and Colleges
Florida Atlantic University has officially established itself among the most prestigious colleges and universities in the United States for its notable accomplishments in research. It now holds the esteemed designation of...

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